Cisco PowerKEY CableCARD Module

ページ / 86
Upgrade the PKES Software 
4026603 Rev H 
SAI Linux Platform Package (RHEL 5.1)
The base platform for Linux based products. This rpm 
is used to track the platform release version.
Backing Up the PKES Configuration 
1  From an xterm window on the ISDS, type su - dncs and then press Enter to log 
on as the dncs role. 
2  When prompted, type the password for the dncs role and then press Enter
3  Type the following command and then press Enter to create a directory which 
will be used to back up the current PKES server configuration. 
mkdir  /export/home/dncs/pkes-[PKES-Name or IP]-backup-
Note:  Substitute the current date for [YYYMMDD]. 
mkdir /export/home/dncs/pkes-
4  Type the following command and then press Enter
cd  /export/home/dncs/pkes-backup-[YYYYMMDD]
5  Type the following commands to back up the current PKES server configuration. 
In each of the following commands, a space precedes a period at the end of 
the command. 
For each of the following commands, when presented with the password 
prompt, type the password for the root user on the PKES. 
scp root@[PKES MGMT IP address]:/etc/hosts .
 and then press 
scp root@[PKES MGMT IP address]:/etc/syslog.conf .
 and then 
press Enter
scp root@[PKES MGMT IP address]:/etc/sysconfig/network .
then press Enter
scp root@[PKES MGMT IP address]:/etc/sysconfig/network-
scripts/ifcfg-eth0 .
 and then press Enter
scp root@[PKES MGMT IP address]:/etc/sysconfig/network-
scripts/ifcfg-eth1 . 
and then press Enter
scp root@[PKES MGMT IP address]:/etc/sysconfig/network-
scripts/route-eth0 .
 and then press Enter
scp root@[PKES MGMT IP address]:/etc/sysconfig/network-