Cisco Headend Digital Broadband Delivery System

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Chapter 7    DNCS Web Services Security 
4034689 Rev A 
Configure Client Authentication for the BOSS Web Service 
Client authentication is optional for the DNCS BOSS web service. The BOSS web 
service does not require client authentication by default.  
When client authentication is required by an HTTP-S Server, the HTTP-S client must 
provide a valid client certificate. When client authentication is optional for an HTTP-
S Server, the server requests a valid client certificate but the client is not required to 
return one. If the client does return a certificate, it must be trusted by the server.  
Complete the following steps to define client authentication on the DNCS. 
1  Is client authentication required for the BOSS web service? 
If yes, go to step 2. 
If no, complete the following steps to disable client authentication. 
a  Use a text editor to open the /etc/apache2/user-
conf/SAIdncs.bossreq.auth.conf file. 
b  Change “optional” to “none” in the SSLVerifyClient line. 
SSLVerifyClient none
c  Save and close the file. 
d  Type the following command and press Enter to verify that the file was 
updated successfully: 
grep SSLVerifyClient /etc/apache2/user-
Result: Output should look similar to the following example: 
SSLVerifyClient none
e  Is the BOSS web service configured to operate on the same web instance 
as the web UI? 
  If yes, complete the following steps to disable client authentication on 
the single web instance: 
1)  Use a text editor to open the /etc/apache2/user-
conf/443.auth.conf file. 
2)  Change “optional” to “none” in the SSLVerifyClient optional line. 
Save and close the file. 
  If no, go to step f. 
f  Go to step 17.