Cisco Headend Digital Broadband Delivery System インストールガイド

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Verify the .profile Entries 
4038415 Rev A 
Verify the .profile Entries 
Verify the EAS Variable 
Complete the following steps to add the LOCAL_EAS_IP variable to the .profile file. 
1  If necessary, open an xterm window on the DNCS. 
2  Type the following command and press Enter. The system searches for 
LOCAL_EAS_IP in the /export/home/dncs/.profile file. 
grep -i LOCAL_EAS_IP /export/home/dncs/.profile
Note:  Be sure to type a space between grep –i LOCAL_EAS_IP and 
3  Do the results from step 2 reveal that there is already an entry for 
LOCAL_EAS_IP in the /export/home/dncs/.profile? 
If yes, go to the next procedure in this chapter. 
If no, go to step 4. 
4  Type the following command and press Enter. The system displays the value of 
the dncseth variable in the /etc/hosts file. 
cat /etc/hosts | grep dncseth
5  Type the following command and press Enter. The system displays the value of 
the eac variable in the /etc/hosts file. 
cat /etc/hosts | grep eac
6  Evaluate the results from steps 4 and 5 to determine whether the eac is on the 
same network as the DNCS or if it is on a different network. Refer to the 
following example for guidance in making this determination: 
Same Network   
Different Network 
Note:  When the DNCS and the eac are on the same network, the first three octets 
of the IP address are identical. They are on different networks when the first 
three octets of the IP address are different. 
7  Are the DNCS and the eac on the same network? 
If yes, go to the next procedure in this chapter. 
If no (they are on different networks), go to step 8.