Cisco Headend System Release 2.7

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What's Fixed? 
4012157 Rev B 
CR 60383 
The Unipack Live Upgrade process no longer repartitions database disks on the Sun 
E450 DNCS. 
CR 60385 
A condition that caused ufs_log errors to occur after a system reboot has been 
CR 60796 
A condition that causes an occasional crash of the qamManager process when 
processing QAM configuration data entered through the DNCS user interface has 
been corrected. 
CR 61277 
Code for the ocdlManager process has been modified so that it now correctly 
streams download image data to the Common Download Version Table (CDVT) 
rather than the Program Map Table (PMT). 
CR 62085 
A new /var/spool/cron/crontabs.previous is now created as a part of the keyfiles 
backup during the Live Upgrade process. The /var/spool/cron/crontabs.previous 
file is now listed as a key file. After the upgrade completes, the correct 
crontabs.previous directory is restored.