Cisco Cisco WebEx Social for Mobile ユーザーガイド

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Cisco WebEx Social: Getting Started Guide, Release 3.0
  Introduction to Cisco WebEx Social
Report a Problem—Allows you to report a specific issue you have come across while using Cisco 
WebEx Social
Send Feedback—Takes you to a web site your administrator has set up to allow you to offer 
feedback on your Cisco WebEx Social experience
View Tutorial Videos—Takes you to a page where you can watch short tutorial videos on various 
Cisco WebEx Social features and concepts
There are a number of applications you can add to your Cisco WebEx Social pages. For information 
about how to add an application to a page, see 
Note that certain applications are available only for particular pages. For example, you cannot add Voice 
Messages, which displays your private information, to a public page, such as My Profile. In addition, 
some of these applications are by default already on a page, for example Streams is by default on the 
Home page. 
The applications include:
Blog—Allows you to add a blog and create blog entries
Calendar—Allows you to place your Outlook or Lotus Notes calendar on the page
Community Calendar—Allows you to place a community calendar on the page
Community Members—Allows you to see the members of a community
Content Publisher—Allows you to display web content on your page
Discussions—Allows you to access your community discussions
Documents—Allows you to access your document library and upload documents and create folders
IFrame—Allows you to embed another web page within a frame
Images—Allows you to access your image library and upload images and folders
Links—Allows you to create links to content for quick retrieval
My Communities—Allows you access your communities
OpenSocial App—Allows you to add an OpenSocial gadget to your page
Post Library—Allows you to display the posts of your library or a community library depending on 
where you add the application
Recently Viewed Documents—Allows you to display the documents most recently accessed from 
the Document Library
RSS—Allows you to set up and display RSS feeds
Streams—Allows you to display your Activities and your Watch List
Suggestions—Allows you to receive suggestions for people to follow, posts to view, and 
communities to join
Tag Cloud—Allows you to navigate using frequently-used tags
Wiki—Allows you to add a wiki