Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option ユーザーガイド

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ServiceLevel = ServiceLevelCalls / (ServiceLevelCallsoffered – RouterCallsDequeued -
If you would like to exclude all calls that redirect on no answer irrespective of the Service
Level threshold then adjust the ServiceLevelCallsOffered by excluding all RONA calls. In
this example, abandoned calls have a negative impact.
ServiceLevel = ServiceLevelCalls / (ServiceLevelCallsoffered – RouterCallsDequeued
If you want to remove errors from SLCallsOffered, you can use this formula in a custom report:
SLCallsOffered – (Errors –SLErrors).
Service Level at the Peripheral VRU Service - Not Applicable for System IPCC Deployments
The service level threshold timer at the VRU service starts as soon as the call arrives at the VRU
There are three service level events that can occur for the peripheral VRU service:
Call is routed to an agent before service level timer expires. In this case the
ServiceLevelCallsOffered and ServiceLevelCalls database fields are incremented.
Call abandons while in the VRU before service level timer expires. In this case the
ServiceLevelAband and ServiceLevelCallsOffered database fields are incremented.
Service level threshold timer expires. In this case the ServiceLevelCallsOffered database
field is incremented.
The VRU Service does not detect abandons that happen at the peripheral agent service, so these
will not be part of the service level for the VRU service. The VRU service does not detect when
the call is physically answered by the agent; it only knows when the call is routed to the agent.
Using Call Type Interval Reporting to Monitor Service Level
You can use call type interval reports to see data for abandoned and answered calls within
specific time increments, such as between 0 and 5 seconds, or within specific time boundaries,
such as under 10 seconds. You might want to configure the intervals in relation to your Service
Levels. For example, if your Service Level threshold is 60 seconds and you want to see when
callers are abandoning in relation to your Service Level you might set intervals of 20 seconds,
40 seconds, 60 seconds, 80 seconds, and 100 seconds. Using these intervals, you can see how
closely to the Service Level calls are abandoning. You configure call type intervals using the
Bucket Interval configuration tool and then assign these intervals to individual call types using
the Call Type configuration tool or to the system using the System Information tool. If you do
not configure intervals at the call type level, the system level intervals are used.
Reports show up to ten intervals. You can configure up to nine intervals; the tenth interval shows
all remaining data.
Reporting Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise & Hosted 7.5(1)
Chapter 4: Measuring Customer Experience
Service Level Reporting