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IPCC Peripheral Service Reports
4      IPCC Peripheral Service Report Templates
 WebView Template Reference Guide for Cisco IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions
Tasks Routed
The number of calls routed by the IPCC/ICM software to this IVR service in the half 
hour interval.  This does not equal the number of calls associated with the service that 
left the IVR in this half hour.. 
Derived from: Service_Half_Hour.CallsRoutedToHalf
Service Summary
A summary for each service for the interval.
Report Summary
A summary for all services for the interval.  
persvc21: Peripheral Service IVR Queue Daily Report
A table summary of the daily activity in the selected IVR 
Note: This report displays the same data as the Persvc20 
report, except the data here is broken down by day instead of 
by half hour.
Fields applicable to a voice domain only are prefixed with an 
asterisk (*). Such fields are not applicable for e-mail or 
collaboration media.
To show daily IVR queue activity for the selected time period. 
This report is intended for a Service Control IVR connected to 
IPCC/ICM via a IVR PIM (not via a NIC).  All calls must go to 
the IVR before being seen by IPCC/ICM.  That is, the call arrives 
at the IVR, the IVR then sends a NewCall to the Router.  The 
Router runs a routing script that results in the customer getting 
a chance to do self-service and then, if needed, talk to an 
For example, the routing script could send a RunScript to the 
IVR that causes the IVR to run a IVR script that allows the 
customer to do some self-service. Then if the customer makes a 
IVR script selection that requires an agent, the IVR returns a 
RunScript result to the Router that causes the Router to 
eventually find an agent for the call (IPCC) or find an ACD to 
which to send the call (ICM). 
In addition the IVR must be one that can track the call after it 
leaves the IVR and report to the IVR PIM when the call is 
answered and when it is ended. 
Finally Service Control Reporting and Queue Reporting must be 
turned on in the IVR PIM with which the IVR is associated. 
Note: This report is for IVR services that reside on IVR PGs that 
have Service Control reporting enabled and queue reporting 
IPCC and/or ICM (for IVR services)