Cisco Cisco ASA 5585-X with No Payload Encryption 白書

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©Nemertes Research 2008 
systems. Policy will define which of them are allowed to talk to which, with 
identity independent from (but not necessarily insensitive to) location. Digital 
signatures will allow components to be identified and trust assigned, and will 
form the basis of conversation encryption.  Federation will allow the integration 
of security rules across cooperating organizations. User identity will be 
propagated among components as well, of course: component identity can be 
used to make sure that only the right parts of the infrastructure try to access 
protected resources, and user identity to make sure that they are doing so only on 
behalf of those users with the appropriate privileges. 
Content-aware security will both ensure traffic among components is well-
formed, and watch for and alert on unusual traffic that is otherwise well-formed.  
Traffic may be inbound, and indicate an attempt to compromise systems, or it 
might be outbound, evidence of an attempt to leak sensitive data.  Either way, 
data  center  security  will  have  to  be  aware of the content in order to properly 
secure it. 
In order to achieve all these ends, securing the new data center will 
ultimately require integration of security across all categories of data center 
systems: networks, appliances, servers, storage, and applications.  This, in turn, 
places a high premium on strong, standards-driven interoperability.  Such 
integration will have to be both reactive and proactive.  Reactive, in that any 
component should be able to alert the others that something odd is happening.  
Proactive, in that the configuration management and provisioning tools driving 
the creation and destruction of virtual servers and services will be able to trigger 
the necessary changes to security in anticipation of those events. 
Security has once again trailed production environments somewhat, an 
afterthought dealt with once the operational bugs have begun to be shaken out of 
virtual environments, SOAs, and Web 2.0.  Enterprises with functionality out well 
ahead of matching security will have to play catch up on security again, with the 
predictable and oft-repeated consequences of confusion and expense. 
Enterprises just embarking on their own quests for agile and dynamic IT 
infrastructures will have the chance to build a well-fitted suit of armor as they go. 
About Nemertes Research: Founded in 2002, Nemertes Research specializes in analyzing 
the business value of emerging technologies for IT executives, vendors, and venture capitalists. Recent 
and upcoming research includes Web services, security, IP telephony, collaboration technologies, and 
bandwidth optimization. For more information about the analyst, please contact Nemertes at