For Dummies Windows 7 All-in-One 978-0-470-48763-1 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 26
Chapter 1
Finding and
Installing the
Hardware You Need
Upgrading the Basic Stuff
Moral of the story: You don’t need to spend a fortune to improve your PC’s 
performance. As you work through the nitty-gritty details in this chapter, 
keep that simple fact in mind.
Figure 1-1: 
Index score 
for a super-
$300 PC.
Upgrading the Basic Stuff
You probably have a printer, but it may not suit your needs — heck, 
photo-quality printers are so good and cheap nowadays that I’m frequently 
tempted to throw my old printer out the window. Your monitor may have 
died — or you might’ve noticed that gorgeous 29-inch flat-panel monitor 
winking at you across the aisle at your local Comput-O-Rama. Perhaps that 
giant 120GB hard drive you bought two years ago doesn’t look so gigantic 
any more — particularly because the kids discovered how easy it is to trans-
fer pictures taken on digital cameras.
Be of good cheer. For the most part, basic upgrades under Windows 7 are as 
slick as can be.
A few popular upgrades, such as adding a second (or third) hard drive and 
choosing a new printer, are beyond the scope of this book. You can find tips 
and basics for choosing and installing new hard drives (both internal ones 
and external ones) and printers at Or check out Upgrading 
and Fixing PCs For Dummies,
 7th Edition, by Andy Rathbone (Wiley) for more 
in-depth coverage.