Cisco Cisco FirePOWER Appliance 7020

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FireSIGHT System User Guide
Chapter 50      Managing System Policies
  Applying a System Policy
You can compare two system policies or two revisions of the same system policy, subject to the system 
policies you can access. This allows you to review policy changes for compliance with your 
organization’s standards, or for optimization of system performance. To quickly compare your active 
system policy to another, you can select the 
Running Configuration
 option. Optionally, after you compare, 
you can generate a PDF report to record the differences between the system policies or system policy 
There are two tools you can use to compare system policies or system policy revisions:
The comparison view displays the differences between two system policies or system policy 
revisions in a side-by-side format. The name of each policy or policy revision appears in the title bar 
on the left and right sides of the comparison view.
You can use this to view and navigate both policy revisions on the web interface, with their 
differences highlighted.
The comparison report creates a record of the differences between two system policies or system 
policy revisions in a format similar to the system policy report, but in PDF format.
You can use this to save, copy, print, and share your policy comparisons for further examination.
Using the System Policy Comparison View
The comparison view displays both system policies or policy revisions in a side-by-side format, with 
each policy or policy revision identified by name in the title bar on the left and right sides of the 
comparison view. For all revisions, the system policy comparison view displays the time of last 
modification and the last user to the right of the policy name.
Differences between the two system policies or policy revisions are highlighted:
Blue indicates that the highlighted setting is different in the two policies or policy revisions, and the 
difference is noted in red text.
Green indicates that the highlighted setting appears in one policy or policy revision, but not the 
You can perform any of the actions in the following table.
Table 50-1
System Policy Comparison View Actions 
You can...
navigate individually 
through changes
 above the title bar.
The double-arrow icon (
) centered between the left and right sides moves, and the 
number adjusts to identify which difference you are viewing.
generate a new system 
policy comparison view
New Comparison
Select Comparison
 window appears. See 
generate a system policy 
comparison report
Comparison Report
The system policy comparison report is a PDF that contains information identical to the system 
policy comparison view.