Cisco Cisco Firepower Management Center 2000

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FireSIGHT System User Guide
Chapter 34      Analyzing Malware and File Activity
  Working with Captured Files
To search for captured files:
Admin/Any Security Analyst 
Step 1
Analysis > Search
The Search page appears.
Step 2
From the 
 drop-down list, select 
Captured Files
The page reloads with the appropriate constraints.
Step 3
Optionally, if you want to save the search, enter a name for the search in the 
If you do not enter a name, one is created automatically when you save the search.
Step 4
Enter your search criteria in the appropriate fields.
See the 
 table for information on the fields in the captured files table.
Step 5
If you want to save the search so that other users can access it, clear the 
Save As Private
 check box. 
Otherwise, leave the check box selected to save the search as private.
If you want to use the search as a data restriction for a custom user role, you must save it as a private 
Step 6
You have the following options:
 to start the search.
Your search results appear in your default captured file workflow, constrained by the current time 
 if you are modifying an existing search and want to save your changes.
Table 34-7
Captured Files Special Search Syntax 
Search Criterion
Special Syntax
Storage Status
Specify one or more of the following:
File Stored
 - returns all captured files stored on the device 
Unable to Store File
 - returns all captured files not stored on the device
Dynamic Analysis Status
Specify one or more of the following:
Sent for Analysis
 - returns all captured files queued for dynamic analysis
Not Sent for Analysis
 - returns all captured files not submitted for dynamic analysis
Analysis Complete
 - returns all captured files submitted for dynamic analysis that received 
a threat score and dynamic analysis summary report 
Previously Analyzed 
- returns all files with a cached threat score that a user tried to submit 
for dynamic analysis again
Failure (Analysis Timeout)
 - returns all captured files submitted for dynamic analysis 
for which the cloud has yet to return a result
Failure (Network Issue)
 - returns all files that did not get submitted for dynamic analysis 
due to a network connectivity failure
Failure (Cannot Run File)
 - returns all files submitted for dynamic analysis that the cloud 
could not run in the test environment