Chief iCSPSA2T02 IC-SP-SA2T ユーザーズマニュアル

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Chief iC Series is a complete line of mounting solutions for flat panel TVs, monitors, and projectors!
With over 30 years of engineering expertise and innovation for professional installations, Chief
presents unique advantages for retailers and consumers.
iC Series Complete Solution products are loaded with
innovative features like post-installation lateral shift,
making it easy to install, and achieve perfect TV
placement. Combine with Chief’s supporting AV
accessories for a sleek, low-profile installation.
EnhanCEd PaCkagIng
Chief’s iC Series features multilingual packaging, complete with
application photos, package contents, needed tools and more.
All iC tilt, and swing arm wall
mounts feature Centris Technology
providing effortless fingertip tilt.
LatEraL ShIFt
Achieve perfect positioning of
flat panel TVs with post-installation
lateral shift. Provides up to 16” of
movement (8” left and right).
Hear an audible click when
the screen safely engages
with the mount.
IndEPEndEnt adjuStMEnt
Roll, pitch and yaw settings are
retained with quick disconnect/
reconnect for hassle-free
maintenance and installation.
Use built-in cable stand to gain
easy access at bottom of screen.
grEEn dESIgn
Innovative hinged wall plate
folds in half to reduce packaging
complete solution  
ultra thin  
  full motion  
The iC Series Difference