Samsung YP-T10JQW ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 116
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Player isn’t playing.
Check if the available fi le has been saved in 
the memory.
Check if the music fi le is damaged.
Check if there is enough battery power.
File upload doesn’t 
Check if the USB cable is securely connected.
Reconnect if necessary.
Check if the memory is full.
Press the Reset hole.
Files or data are 
Check if the USB cable has been disconnected 
during fi le or data transmission. If this is 
the case, it may cause serious damage not 
only to fi les/data but also to the product. You 
have to be extra cautious as Samsung is not 
responsible for data loss.
Abnormal play time 
display during play.
Check if the fi le is in Variable Bit Rate (VBR) 
The product is hot.
Heat may be generated during recharging. This 
has no effect on the product life or functions.
A message appears 
while watching a movie.
Try to download the movie clip through Media 
Studio again.