Clarion map670 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 94  Fast          
Choosing Fast will result in the quickest possible route, given that you can travel at 
or near the speed limits on all included roads. This is usually preferred for fast and 
normal cars.  Economical 
This setting is a wise combination of the previous two. Although basically going for 
the fastest solution, if there is another route taking a bit more time but a lot less 
distance compared to the fastest one, Clarion will choose this one instead to save 
5.4.3  Vehicle          
You can set the type of the vehicle that you will use to navigate the route. Based 
upon this setting, some of the road types will be excluded from the route (e.g. 
motorways for pedestrians), or some of the restrictions may not be taken into 
account (e.g. emergency vehicles have no restrictions). 
Furthermore, when Bus or Lorry is chosen, the program assumes that high speeds 
cannot be achieved, and this information is taken into account when calculating the 
route, the estimated time enroute (ETE), and the estimated time of arrival (ETA). 
 Available values: 
•  Car              
•  Taxi              
•  Bus              
•  Lorry              
•  Emergency              
•  Bicycle              
•  Pedestrian              
5.4.4  Road types to include/exclude 
To let the route fit your needs you can also set which road types are to be 
considered for or to be excluded from the route if possible. 
When a road type is selected, its lamp is green, if not, it turns red and is crossed-out 
as already described in Page