Apple compressor 3 マニュアル

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By default, the Compressor MPEG-2 encoder creates elementary MPEG-2 streams. You 
can configure the MPEG-2 encoder to create transport or program streams and choose 
whether they should include audio in the Extras tab. 
Embedded Closed Caption Files
You can now use the Additional Information tab of the source media file’s Inspector 
window to assign a closed caption file to MPEG-2 output files.
For MPEG-2 elementary stream outputs: 
 Compressor embeds the closed caption data 
in an elementary MPEG-2 video stream so that it can be used for DVD authoring. 
DVD Studio Pro will retain this closed caption data when the video stream is used in 
a track in a standard definition NTSC DVD project. You can use Apple DVD Player to 
play the DVD Studio Pro build files and verify that the closed caption data is present.
For MPEG-2 program and transport stream outputs: 
 Compressor embeds the closed 
caption data in program and transport MPEG-2 streams using the EIA-708 ATSC protocol.
New Filter Pane Features
The Filter pane has had several new filters added, including a set of audio filters that 
you can use to make commonly required adjustments that previously required you to 
use a second application.
Video Filters
The new video filters all are dynamic, with their effects changing over time.
Fade in/out: 
 Adds a dissolve from and to a matte color at the beginning and end of 
the clip. You set the duration and opacity of the dissolve for the in and out 
independently of each other. 
Timecode generator: 
 Superimposes the clip’s timecode text onto the image. You can 
also add a label to the timecode text. You control the position, opacity, color, size, 
and font of the timecode.
Animated watermarks: 
 In addition to the still images previously supported, you can 
now use movies as superimposed watermarks. There is also a repeat feature that you 
can use if the watermark movie is shorter than the output video file.