Apple numbers ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 295
Chapter 12   
 Dictionary of Functions
The COLUMNS function counts how many columns are in a range of cells.
 cell-range:  A range of cells in a table.
If you select an entire row for cell-range, Numbers returns the total number of cells in 
the row, which changes when you resize the table.
The COMBIN function finds the number of different ways you can combine a number of 
items into groups of a specific size, ignoring the order within the groups.
 items:  The total number of items that can be combined.
 size:  The number of items combined in each group.
Remember that combinations are not the same as permutations. The order of the items 
in a group is ignored for combinations but not for permutations. For example, (1, 2, 3) 
and (3, 2, 1) are the same combination but two unique permutations.
COLUMNS(B3:D10) returns 3, the number of columns in the range (columns B, C, and D).
COLUMNS(5:5) returns the total number of columns in row 5.
COMBIN(3, 2) returns 3, the number of unique groups you can create if you start with 3 items and 
group them 2 at a time.
COMBIN(3.2, 2.3) returns 3. Fractional parts are dropped.
Both COMBIN(5, 2) and COMBIN(5,3) return 10.