Apple postproduction マニュアル

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Exporting From A.Pack to DVD Studio Pro
A.Pack can export DVD-compliant Dolby Digital AC-3 audio files containing from one to 
six channels. The source files must be uncompressed audio, such as AIFF or PCM audio, 
using a 48 kHz sample rate. You can have separate source files for each channel, as is 
often the case with 5.1 encoding, or use source files that include two or more audio 
To encode an AC-3 stream:
Choose the Audio Config Mode in the Audio tab of the encoder settings.
This controls how many channels will be in the stream, as well as their configuration. 
The encoder’s display changes to match the configuration you choose. 
Import the source files and assign them to output channels.
You can drag source files to the appropriate channel or Control-click each channel to 
assign the source files. If you assign a source file that contains two or more channels, a 
dialog appears asking you to choose the source channel to assign to that AC-3 channel.
Configure the output settings. 
There are extensive encoder configuration settings, allowing you to customize the 
audio to your specific needs. In most instances, you will only need to choose a bit rate.
Encode the audio.
A.Pack also includes a batch encode capability that allows you to configure multiple 
AC-3 streams and encode them in one process.
Exporting Final Cut Pro HD Audio for Encoding With A.Pack
You can export AIFF audio files from Final Cut Pro HD for transcoding into Dolby Digital 
AC-3 files. If you export a stereo audio output, A.Pack can create a two-channel AC-3 file. 
To export audio files suitable for encoding into a 5.1 surround sound file, you must go 
through the export process multiple times. For example, you can export a stereo file 
with the audio for the front left and right channels, a second file with the audio for the 
rear left and right channels, a third file with the audio for the center channel, and a 
fourth file with the audio for the Low Frequency Effects (LFE) channel. 
42708APP  Page 30  Tuesday, June 8, 2004  3:05 PM