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Synthesis Parameters
-  REV+FEEDB1  This the VIRUS' trademark
room simulation. Here you can use the FEED-
BACK control to generate pre-delay feed-
back. The feedback effect generates rhythmic
repetitions of the REVERB signal, which are
repeated at the intervals determined by the
assigned pre-delay time.
-  REV+FEEDB2  Room simulation with feed-
back and REV+FEEDB1. Here the REVERB
signal is audible immediately after you hear
the dry signal rather than after a defined
amount of pre-delay time has elapsed. The
rhythmic repetitions are independently varia-
ble depending on the pre-delay time and
feedback intensity (FEEDBACK).
-  DELAY X:Y  Ping-pong delay. Although the
delay times on the left and right sides are dif-
ferent, they have a fixed relationship to one
another. For example, 2:1 means that the de-
lay time of the left side of the delay signal is
twice as long as that of the right side. The ab-
solute delay time refers to the longer delay
time of the two sides. It is determined via DE-
LAY TIME or DELAY CLOCK. Feedback is al-
so generated using the signal with the longer
delay time of the two.
-  PATTERN X+Y  The PATTERN delay algo-
rithms are also ping-pong delays, but here
the delay times are locked into sync with the
master clock. For this reason, you won’t find
DELAY Time or DELAY Clock parameters
here. Consequently, the absolute delay times
are determined by the tempo of the global
clock generator (CLOCK SPEED) or by the
song tempo dictated by a connected se-
quencer that is sending a clock signal. The
two numbers represent sixteenth note incre-
ments and indicate the delay for the left and
right side on the basis of sixteenth notes.
Used in conjunction with the FEEDBACK pa-
rameter, these “groove” algorithms create in-
teresting rhythmic patterns and accents when
you patch in appropriately rhythmic signals,
for example arpeggios.
The unique sonic character of the PATTERN de-
lay algorithms is due to - among other things -
odd time signatures (based on sixteenth-note
values). Each delay algorithm puts at least one
of these options at your disposal. Feedback is
always generated via the left delay tap.
The following parameters will only appear in
the display when you’re working with DELAY al-
When you set it to OFF, the absolute delay time
is determined in milliseconds. If you select a
note value, then the delay time is set to the val-
ue of this note. The absolute length of this note
value depends on the value entered to CLOCK
TEMPO in the global clock generator (refer to
this section). In this case, the absolute delay
time in milliseconds is ignored. 
 Clock       Off≤
If the delay time determined by the clock gener-
ator exceeds the maximum value of 693 ms,
then the delay time is automatically set to a val-
ue equivalent to half of the entered value.