Access virus c ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 198
Synthesis Parameters
The following section lists all parameters in
the VIRUS, each with a brief definition or expla-
nation. For the purpose of clarity, we ordered
the parameters with a dedicated control ele-
ment  according to the module you will find it in.
This control feature lets you determine the
waveshape for the WAVE section (one of 64
variable spectral waveshapes). The waveshape
is infinitely variable from sawtooth through to
pulse waves. Wave or pulse width selection is
executed via the SHAPE and WAVE SEL/PW
control features (see appropriate section): If
SHAPE has a value less than the value of the
center position, then WAVE SEL/PW deter-
mines the waveshape; if the SHAPE value is
higher than that of the center position, then
WAVE SEL/PW determines the pulse width.
has two functions, depending on the SHAPE
(see appropriate section) value:
• When SHAPE has a value lower than that of
the center position, then WAVE SEL/PW lets
you select from the 64 spectral waveshapes
available in the ROM of the VIRUS. Waveshape
1 is a sine wave; No. 2 a triangle, the remainder
of the waves feature different combinations of
• When the SHAPE value is higher than that of
the center position, then WAVE SEL/PW deter-
mines the pulse width: At the far left position
the pulse width is 50%, at the far right it is 0%,
which means the wave no longer oscillates.
Determines the interval between the second re-
spectively third oscillator and the first oscillator:
Control range +/-48 semitones, assigned in
semitone steps.
Detunes the second respectively third oscillator
relatively to the first. With this parameter, you
can dial in everything from slight deviations in
pitch to major fluctuations between the two os-
Synchronizes the second oscillator with the
first: The SYNC function forces Oscillator 2 to
interrupt its wave cycle and restart it at the
same time as Oscillator 1 starts its cycle. The
effect of this measure is that pitch deviations
and intervals are no longer audible as such;
what you hear are tonal modifications: Repeat-
ed interruption of the Oscillator 2 wave cycle
generates new tonal spectra with a great deal of
overtone content. The tone of a given spectrum
can be influenced via the SEMITONE knob,
among other control features.