Acronis diskeditor 6.0 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Edit Hard Disks 
Edit menu of DiskEditor’s main window allows you to access the main opera-
tions with blocks of given hard disk sectors. You can edit hard disk data di-
rectly in the fields of any view mode (see the View menu). You can operate 
with data blocks using Edit menu in the view as Hex mode. 
Edit menu 
Any view mode allows you to select blocks with the help of the mouse by 
clicking and holding its left button, or with the help of the keyboard advanc-
ing the window with 
 key pressed.
Simply changing data in the hexadecimal or character area, in the view as 
Hex mode of the main window or in any fields of other view modes, does not 
lead to changes in the given disk sector. Having performed such changes, 
you will see that the Save sector item in Edit menu will become enabled as 
well as the appropriate toolbar button. 
Save sector operation 
This feature allows you to save the results of your sector editing or to reject it. 
Acronis DiskEditor