Adobe illustrator 10 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Adobe Illustrator Help
Looking at the Work Area 
To show or hide options in the Info palette:
Choose Show Options or Hide Options from the Info palette menu. When you show 
options, the following information appears:
Values for the fill and stroke colors of the selected object.
Hexadecimal values for the fill and stroke colors of the selected object, if the color mode 
is RGB or Web safe.
The name of any pattern, gradient, or tint applied to the selected object.
Note: If you select multiple objects, the Info palette displays only the information that is 
the same for all selected objects.
Using context menus
In addition to the menus that appear at the top of your screen, Adobe Illustrator contains a 
number of context-sensitive menus that relate to the document or the selection. You can 
use context menus as a quick way to choose commonly used commands.
To display context menus:
Position the pointer over the document or an object in the document.
Do one of the following:
In Windows, click with the right mouse button.
In Mac OS, press Control and hold down the mouse button.
Viewing artwork
Adobe Illustrator gives you great flexibility in viewing your artwork. You can view different 
areas of the artwork at different magnifications, use simplified views for tasks such as 
editing paths, and preview how your artwork will appear in a Web browser or in print.
If you are using Illustrator’s color management features, you can also display an online 
preview of how your document’s colors will appear on a particular type of monitor or 
output device. (See 
Setting up windows and views
You can open additional windows to display several views at once, so that you can quickly 
switch between view modes or magnifications. For example, you can set one view highly 
magnified for doing close-up work on some objects and create another view less 
magnified for laying out those objects on the page. 
To change the screen mode for illustration windows:
Click a screen mode button in the toolbox:
The left button   displays artwork in a standard window, with a menu bar at the top and 
scroll bars on the sides. 
The center button   displays artwork in a full-screen window with a menu bar but with 
no title bar or scroll bars.
The right button   displays artwork in a full-screen window, but with no title bar, menu 
bar, or scroll bars.