AMX design xpress home theater v1.3 ユーザーガイド

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Working With IR Files
DXP-HT v1.3 - Programmer’s Guide
Scanning Directories for IRL Files
Once you have selected the folder containing the desired IR file(s). 
Click the Scan button to begin scanning that directory for .*IRL files.
The searching process is indicated both as a progress bargraph indicator and a # of # value 
below the bargraph. This process may take a few minutes to complete. During this process, the 
title of the dialog reads "(scanning for IR files)".
Use the Search Criteria fields to narrow down your search for an IR file.
Setting the Default IR Files Folder
The Search for IR File dialog looks for a default IR Files folder. By default, it is set to look for 
C:\Program Files\Common Files\AMXShare\IRLs, since this is the default location for IR 
files installed via the AMX Control Disc. 
Use the Browse button to locate and specify any other folder as the default folder for IR files. 
The new folder location is displayed at the top of the page.
Scan the new selected directory for all available IR files. 
Editing IR Control Information
To edit IR Control information for an existing device in the system, select the device from the 
Device Information table (in the System Information dialog), and click the Edit button.
This opens the Device Configuration dialog for the selected device. Use the options in this dialog to 
edit the existing control data for the selected device.
Format of IR Files for Audio Sources
The majority of devices supported by DXP-HT use IR. AMX has a library of thousands of IR files 
for equipment. Many of the files have been captured to a standard template. DXP-HT uses this 
template for its IR codes. In some cases the IR file for new equipment may not have been captured 
or is not available for download from the AMX website. Or perhaps the IR file is available on the 
web but one or two codes were not captured in the right channels. In these cases it may be 
necessary for the installer to capture the IR codes or, at least, modify the IR file.
When capturing or making changes the installer needs to know in which channel each IR code 
should reside. The following tables define the IR channels required by DXP-HT for each equipment 
type. Only those channels used by DXP-HT are represented in these tables. If the installer needs to 
capture an IR remote, or make changes to an IR file, the IR functions must be captured in the 
correct channels to work properly with DXP-HT. The DXP-HT project wizard lets you map the 
captured IR codes with a list of supported functions. 
This scan operation enables the Search Criteria functionality. You cannot utilize the 
search functions in this dialog until the directories containing the desired IRL files 
(included their respective folders/subfolders) have been completely scanned.