3M abrasive prds. for aircraft maintenance applications ユーザーズマニュアル

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3M Abrasive Products  
for rotors, blades, skins, landing gear, windows, and more.
For the many components of an engine and airframe –
from engine rotor to fuselage skin – you can select a
3M abrasive product most appropriate for your mainte-
nance requirements.  Products include performance-
proven 3M coated abrasives, 3M
non-woven abrasives and 3M micro abrasives and
From dimensioning to polishing –
3M has the broadest selection available of abrasive
types and grades. You can vary abrasive aggressive-
ness to meet quality and productivity requirements 
for applications ranging from weld leveling to polishing
With Scotch-Brite non-woven products, for example, 
controlled abrasive action helps prevent gouging or
undercutting for less chance of affecting critical 
In the full 3M line you’ll find products for consistent
and cost-effective dimensioning, defect removal,
deburring, blending, finishing, corrosion removal,
cleaning, polishing, and surface preparation.  
Window and canopy repair
You can also readily repair such window damage 
as deep scratches and light hazing with the 3M
Plastic Repair Kit II.  Kit includes every-
thing to finish the job by hand or with power tools. 
The 3M TC 330 roto-peen flap assembly consists of
shot bonded to a flexible flap.  For stress relief appli-
cations, the flap is rotated at high speed so the shot
strikes the component with each revolution.  This is
cleaner and more precise than loose shot "blasting".
Preparation for coating  – 3M
gold film provides consistent cut and finish
for increased productivity in surface coating preparation.
Jet canopy maintenance –  3M
microfinishing film removes pitting, scratching,
and crazing.
Coatings (left) and 
corrosion removal
–  Scotch-Brite
surface conditioning
disc removes coatings
and corrosion.
Controlled abrasive
action helps prevent
undercutting or gouging.
Fresh abrasive is 
continually exposed to
the work surface for 
consistent, uniform