Autotek autocad raster design 2010 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Click here to see an illustration of selecting a raster line (shown in red).
To define a REM line primitive
Click Image menu  ➤  Raster Entity Manipulation  ➤  Create Primitive
 ➤  Line.
Select the raster line using one of the following methods:
Select a single point on the line.
Type 2p, and select the start and end points of the raster line.
Quick Reference
Image  ➤  Raster Entity Manipulation  ➤  Create Primitive  ➤  Line
REM Toolbar
Object Shortcut Menu
Right-click image ➤ REM ➤ Create ➤ Line
Command Line
Defining a REM Circle Primitive
You can define a circle primitive when you need to edit or move a raster circle
Defining a REM Circle Primitive | 181