Autotek autocad raster design 2010 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Connected crossing window
connected entity 1. An entity that is connected to an entity that is selected
or otherwise referenced.
2. A selection method for enhanced bitonal region objects. This method selects
a specified entity and all other entities connected to it. In the following
example, note that a single click on the arrow in the upper right selects the
entire connected structure except the two text entities, which are not
connected to any other entity.
Connected entity
connected fence A selection method for enhanced bitonal region objects.
This method selects all raster entities that are connected to an entity that
touches the selection line (fence) you draw. Entities enclosed by the fence but
not touching it are not selected. In the following example, the two text blocks
are not selected because they do not touch the fence and are not connected
to any entities that touch the fence.
Connected fence
Glossary | 385