Nokia 6090 サービスマニュアル

ページ / 63
Technical Documentation
Page 61
Issue 1  10/99
LCD fault
If there is an LCD fault first check what kind of failure it is. If there are
missing lines or rows, missing pixels or permanently on pixels you have to
change the LCD module, because these failures are related to the mod-
ule itself.
When you connect the HS to 8V power supply and there are no Nokia
Hands on the display you have to perform the following steps.
LCD fault
Check SCLK at pin 2 and
SDIN at pin 4 of D401
Change MCU (D300)
Nokia Hands ok?
Check SCLK at pin 18 and
SDIN at pin 16 of D401
Change D401
SIM interface fault
For testing of the SIM interface use the Wintesla and also the HCI func-
tions of the Handset. You can use these functions to switch on the 3V and
5V power supply for the SIM interface and to set the SIM_CLK and
SIM_data line to low and high level.
If you don‘t have the possibility to set the HCI functions (R&D software)
you can only test the functionality of the SIM–door switch by WinTesla
and the general power supply for the SIM card.
When you get a Handset with SIM failure first connect it to an RU and put
in a Test–SIM, to check if SIM switch is working. If SIM card is not recog-
nized the failure is related to the SIM switch, otherwise to the rest of the
SIM interface.
Before error hunting also check the mechanics of the SIM reader and the
SIM door for damage or dirt on the contacts. After this goto the following