Yamaha digital mixing studio 01x ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 156
Controls and Connectors
01X   Owner’s Manual
Before Using
Basics Section
Getting Started
!6 [REMOTE] button
This button selects the Remote mode, enabling you to con-
trol DAW (digital audio workstation) software on a con-
nected computer (page 23).  In this condition, the MIXER/
LAYER buttons (page 19) function according to their 
upper names ([AUDIO], [INST], [MIDI], [BUS/AUX], 
!7 [INTERNAL] button
This button selects the Internal mode, enabling normal 
internal operation of the 01X (pages 37, 85).  In this condi-
tion, the MIXER/LAYER buttons (page 19) function 
according to their lower names.
!8 [SCENE] button
This button selects the Scene mode, enabling you to store 
and recall Scenes (page 85).
!9 [UTILITY] button
This button selects the UTILITY mode, enabling you to set 
the global settings for the entire system (page 86).  Press-
ing [UTILITY] from any of the Utility pages automatically 
calls up the Menu Select display (page 87).
@0 [MONITOR A/B] button
This indicates (and can be used to set) the balance between 
the levels of the stereo output of the internal mixer and the 
stereo output from the DAW software to the monitor out/
headphones.  Pressing the switch alternates between the 
two settings: A (lamp is lit) and B (lamp is off).  The set-
ting can be changed by holding the [MONITOR A/B] but-
ton and turning the appropriate knob ([5] or [7]).
@4 @5 @6 @7
!7 !8 !9 @0