Siemens SL45 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 86
U35 - english, A31008-H4800-A1-1-7619
PC software
N. B.
Note the following differences to 
• Files saved on the MultiMedia-
Card™ (e.g. MP3) cannot be star-
ted from the PC.
• The Data Exchange Software of-
fers conversion routines that al-
low you to define whether a file is 
to be converted when it is moved/
e.g.: An SMS in “text” or a voice 
memo in “WAV”.
• Data deleted from the MultiMe-
diaCard™ are unrecoverable and 
cannot be retrieved from the Win-
dows® Wastebasket.
Online help
Refer to the help function of the pro-
gram for further information. 
Deleting system files 
from the MultiMediaCard™
Files that your phone requires are stored on 
the MultiMediaCard™ in addition to your 
own data, such as addresses or music.
System files that are not required (e.g. lan-
guage variations) can be deleted to in-
crease capacity. 
Note that the function of the phone may be 
impaired by this, however. If you need to re-
store them, all system files can be found on 
the CD ROM (see p. 70).
Siemens QuickSync 
This PC program can be used to syn-
chronise addresses and appoint-
ments between your phone and 
Microsoft®Outlook® 98/2000.
Software installation
Insert the CD ROM into the drive of 
your PC and select Siemens Quick-
Sync. You are guided through the in-
stallation by dialog boxes.
Operating instructions
Siemens QuickSync offers detailed 
operating and help information. You 
can activate this by mouse click on 
“?“ in the menu bar.
Phone and PC must be connected 
via the Sync Station or cable.