Sharp KB-4425L ユーザーズマニュアル

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CleaninG anD Care
boil dry, permanent damage may affect the ceramic glass 
•  Do not slide pots and pans across the cooktop surface.
•  Cookware with rough bottoms can mark or scratch the 
cooktop surface.
•  Do not use a dull or nicked blade. Be sure to use a new, 
sharp razor scraper. 
MiCrOWave DraWer   
Cleaning is easy because no heat is generated to the interior 
surfaces; therefore, there is no baking and setting of spills or 
spattering. To clean the interior surfaces, including drawer 
sealing surfaces, wipe with a soft damp cloth. DO NOT uSE 
PADS. For heavier soil, use mild soap; wipe clean with a soft 
damp cloth. Do not use any chemical oven cleaners.
MiCrOWave DraWer GuiDes 
Remove the food crumbs from the Microwave Drawer guides. 
Wipe with a soft dry cloth in order to keep the Microwave 
Drawer opening and closing easily. 
WaveGuiDe COver   
The waveguide cover (located on the inside
top of the microwave drawer area) is made from mica, so
it requires special care. Keep the waveguide cover clean to
assure good microwave performance. Carefully wipe with
a soft damp cloth any food spatters from the surface of
the cover immediately after they occur. Built-up splashes
may overheat and cause smoke or possibly catch fire. Do
not remove the waveguide cover.
ODOr reMOval
Occasionally, a cooking odor may remain in the Microwave 
Drawer. To remove, combine 1 cup water, grated peel and 
juice of one lemon and several whole cloves in a 2-cup glass 
measuring cup. Boil for several minutes using 100% power. 
Allow to sit in the Microwave Drawer until cool. Wipe interior 
with a soft cloth.
Before cleaning any part of the oven, be sure the 
oven is turned off. If not, Touch Stop/Clear.
Allow the oven to cool before cleaning.
insiDe OF tHe DOOr 
You do not need to clean the area inside the gasket by hand 
since the area is cleaned during the self-clean cycle.
Do not rub, clean or move the door gasket. Replace gasket 
when it is worn or frayed. 
The area outside the gasket and the door liner can be cleaned 
with a soap-filled steel wool or plastic pad, hot water and 
detergent. Rinse well with a vinegar and water solution.
insiDe OF tHe Oven (selF-CleaninG)
See page 39.
reMOve anD replaCe Oven DOOr
 Open the door to the fully opened position.
 Pull the lock located on both hinge supports up and engage 
in the hook of the hinge levers. You may have to apply a 
little downward pressure on the door to pull the locks fully 
over the hooks.
 Grab the door by the sides, pull the bottom of the door 
up and toward you to disengage the hinge supports. Keep 
pulling the bottom of the door toward you while rotating the 
top of the door toward the range to completely disengage 
the hinge levers.
 Proceed in reverse to reinstall the door.
Make sure the hinge supports are fully engaged before 
unlocking the hinge levers.
The door is very heavy. For safe, temporary storage, 
lay the door flat with the inside of the door facing down.
Lock in normal position.
Lock engaged for door removal.
Door removed from the range.