Adam Equipment cbw 3 ユーザーズマニュアル

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C. When in parts counting mode, the weight, unit weight and count will be  
GS        1.234 kg 
GS  for  Gross weight, NT for net weight 
and a unit of weight 
U.W.     12.34 g/pcs   
The  average  piece  weight  computed  by 
the scale 
PCS         100 pcs 
The number of parts counted 
Includes 2 line feeds 
D. When recalling the Total weight stored in the accumulation memory the 
output  format is- 
A line of stars is shown 
Includes 1 line feed 
TOTAL No.  5 
Wt    21.456kg 
The total value stored in memory 
The scale can be controlled with the following commands. The commands 
must be sent in upper case letters, i.e. “T” not “t”. Press the Enter key of the 
PC after each command. 
Tares the scale to display the net weight. This is the same as pressing [Tare]
Sets the zero point for all subsequent weighing. The display shows zero. 
Prints the results to a PC or printer using the RS-232 interface. It also adds the value to 
the accumulation memory if the accumulation function is not set to automatic.  
© Adam Equipment Company 2007