games-microsoft-xbox x-com-ufo defense ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 134
Mouse Drivers
Another common cause of the program freezing or crashing is due to a
conflict with your current Mouse Driver. MicroProse recommend the
Microsoft driver, MOUSE.COM or MOUSE.SYS v8.20 or higher. See the
MS-DOS manual for full details. To check which Mouse Driver you are
using, run the MSD program which comes with Windows 3.1 and MS-
DOS 6.0/6.2.
The Read Me File
The latest notes regarding this program, additions, revisions etc. can be
found in a file named README.TXT in the UFO directory. These
notes may be read by using either standard DOS commands or the DOS
5.0 text editor (type EDIT README.TXT).
PC Tec Sup E for PDF  2/19/97 7:35 PM  Page 11