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E x h i b i t i o n   M a t c h
Playing an Exhibition Match on Xbox 
Live is a quick way to 
play a match with other players that does not affect your 
worldwide ranking. Stats for exhibition matches are tracked 
through the leaderboards.
O f f i c i a l   M a t c h
 an Offi cial Match on Xbox Live is the only way to have an 
offi cial worldwide ranking. When you enter offi cial tournaments 
on Xbox 
Live, your match results are recorded and ranked 
against all other 
Top Spin players in the world.
You can only use your own career players in these tournaments. 
However, all the skills and Career stars your player earned in 
Career play are available.
Fr i e n d s   L i s t
Your Friends List will accommodate up to 100 other gamers. You 
can send the gamers on your Friends List invitations to play after 
you start an exhibition match, see what games they are playing, 
and see if they are logged in.
To add a player from your Friends List
1.  From the Main Menu select Recent Players and highlight a 
recent opponent’s name.
2.  Press 
 to display the Player Options Menu and send a 
Friend Request.
If your request is accepted, your Friend will appear on your 
Friends List.
To delete a player from your Friends List
1.  From the Main Menu, select Friends and highlight the 
player’s name.
2.  Press 
 to display the Friend Options Menu.
3.  Select Remove to delete that player from your 
Friends List.
To invite a Friend to join a game
1.  Begin an exhibition match.
2.  From the Game Lobby press START to display 
match options.
3.  Select Friends, highlight the name of the Friend you wish 
to invite, and then press 
 to send a game invite.
If you do not want to receive invitations to play, select Options 
from the Main Menu. Then, highlight My Status and set your 
status to Appear Offl ine.