culligan 2m ユーザーズマニュアル

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When and how to make adjustments to
the electro-timer . . .
1 you must reset the clocks around your home due to a power failure, time
change, or other reason. Remember also to reset the time-of-day on your
water conditioner.
2 you want recharge to occur at a different time than was set at installation.
Note: recharge should be set for a time when water use is at a minimum.
Usually this is in the wee hours of the morning, such as 2:00 a.m.
3 more softening capacity is needed on a continuous basis than was
originally set, either because of increased use or change in water charac-
teristics. (If a temporary increase in water use is anticipated or has
occurred, an immediate recharge can be initiated without interfering with
the automatic settings. Use the “Manual Recharge”.)
Grasp the front cover by the slots and carefully pull forward. Lay the cover
aside in a safe place.
The timer is in the “service” position supplying conditioned water to the house
lines when the toothless section of the cam gear is over the idled gear.
The stationery pointer P tells the time of day on the moving 24-hour dial J. If
the pointer is not pointing to the correct time-of-day, according to your watch,
you can reset this by pulling out the black gear, behind the time dial, and
rotating it until the correct time-of-day is opposite the pointer. After releasing
the black gear, be certain it meshes properly with the gear beneath it. Note:
the dark half of the time dial represents nighttime hours.
During recharge, hard water is automatically by-passed into the house lines.
Recharge time is factory set to start at about 2:00 a.m. when water is not
being used by most families. However, if you desire to have your unit charge
at a time other than 2:00 a.m., this can be accomplished with a single
The position of the tiny round dot or pin on the tab H is opposite the time on
the 24-hour dial when the unit will begin to recharge. To change the time of