Hitachi c2125s ユーザーズマニュアル

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Picture Mode Menu:
This menu is used to change the picture size according
to the coming transmission.
• If auto function is selected, then the picture size will
be automatically changed according to the transmis-
• Selecting 4 : 3 mode forces picture ratio size to 4 : 3.
• Selecting 16 : 9 mode forces picture ratio size to
16 : 9.
To Store the Settings:
• Using “
” or “
” button select Store. Press “
or “
” button to store current picture settings. The
stored values will be valid for all the programmes. Pic-
ture Mode setting is stored for each program
Feature Menu
• Enter the Feature Menu directly, pressing the YEL-
LOW button “F” or,
• Press “
” button, now you are in main menu.
In the main menu, select FEATURE, using “
” or
  button. Then enter the feature menu pressing
” or “
”  button.
Sleep Timer:
• As you enter the feature menu, Sleep Timer will be
the first selected option.
• Use “
” or “
” button to change the value of the
sleep timer between Off, 0:15, 0:30, 0:45, 1:00, 1:15,
1:30, 1:45, 2:00 hours. Your TV will get into standby
mode when the period you selected passes after you
make the selection.
Child Lock:
You can use this feature to prevent display of any
programme you do not want to be watched.
• The Child Lock feature may be set to either On or Off.
When Off is selected, there will be no difference in
the operation of your TV. When On is selected, the TV
can only be controlled by the remote control handset.
In this case, the front panel buttons (except the
Switch On/Off button) will not work.
Installation Menu
This menu consists of Tuning, Program. (Programming)
and TV Configuration submenus.
Tuning Menu
• Press “
”  button so that you enter the main
menu. In the main menu select Installation using
” or “
” button and open the installation menu
pressing “
” or “
”  button. (To open the Installa-
tion Menu directly, do not enter the main menu, but
only press the BLUE button). In the installation menu
select TUNING. Pressing “
” or “
” button, en-
ter the TUNING menu.