Clifford virtual key ユーザーズマニュアル

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Operation of your VirtualKey AutoImmobilizer
Proper Attachment of the VirtualKey to the Ignition Key
The VirtualKey MUST BE ATTACHED DIRECTLY to the vehicle’s
ignition key and NOT to a keychain. The reason is that the VirtualKey code
must be electronically read through the airwaves by the AutoImmobilizer’s
antenna, which is located near your vehicle’s ignition switch. Since the
range is, by design, only a few inches, the closer the VirtualKey is to the
antenna, the better is the likelihood of trouble-free operation.
To drive your vehicle
When the system is active, the dashboard or console-mounted LED will be
flashing. When you open your car door, you must immediately insert your
car key into the ignition switch (otherwise the horn or optional siren will
When you insert your car key, the Virtual Key comes into close proximity
to the VirtualKey detector mounted near the ignition switch. The system
instantly reads and verifies the secret code of the VirtualKey and, if it
matches, releases its electronic immobilization of your vehicle’s starter
motor, ignition system and electronic fuel pump. The LED turns off to
confirm this.
There’s nothing you need to do to set the VirtualKey AutoImmobilizer.
Sixty seconds after you remove your key from the ignition switch, the
system automatically engages its electronic immobilization of your
vehicle’s starter motor, ignition system and electronic fuel pump. When it
does so, the LED status indicator will flash repeatedly.
Even if a thief has an exact duplicate of your car key, he still won’t be able
to start the engine. In fact, if he tries to start it without your VirtualKey in
place, the system will sound the horn or optional siren and continue its triple
lockout of the starter, ignition and fuel pump.