eutech-instruments ammonia gas ユーザーズマニュアル

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Instruction Manual 
Ammonia Gas-sensing Electrode
Adjust the meter to the concentration of the standard and fix the value in the memory 
according to the meter manufacturer's instructions. 
Rinse the electrodes with distilled water and blot dry. 
To another 150 ml beaker, add 100 ml of the higher value standard and 2 ml of ISA.  Place 
the beaker on the magnetic stirrer and begin stirring at a constant rate. Lower the electrode 
tips into the solution. 
Adjust the meter to the concentration of the standard and fix the value in the memory. 
Read the electrode slope according to the meter manufacturer's instructions. Correct 
electrode operation is indicated by a slope of 90-100%. See 
if the slope is not within this range. 
Measuring Hints 
Samples should be measured immediately after collection. Samples should be stored according to 
the directions given in 
Sample Storage
 if immediate measurement is not possible. 
The ratio of a surface area to volume in the beaker should be minimized. Beakers containing the 
samples or the standard should be kept covered between measurements. 
The ammonia ISA, 10M NaOH, should be added just before measurement. All samples and 
standards should be at the same temperature for precise measurement. A difference of 1
C in 
temperature will result in approximately a 2% error. All samples must be aqueous. 
Always rinse the electrode with distilled water and blot dry between measurements. Use a clean, 
dry tissue to prevent cross-contamination. 
Constant, but not violent, stirring is necessary for accurate measurement. Magnetic stirrers can 
generate sufficient heat to change solution temperature. To counteract this effect, place a piece of 
insulating material, such as gauze or styrofoam, between the beaker and the magnetic stirrer.  
Always check to see that the membrane is free from air bubbles after immersion into standard or 
Sample Storage 
Samples should be measured immediately after preparation or collection, if possible. Wait only long 
enough for temperature equilibration between the sample and the electrode. If stirring a 100 ml 
basic solution in a 150 ml beaker, the rate of ammonia loss at room temperature is about 50% in six 
hours. The loss of C0
 increases with increasing temperature. 
If the samples cannot be measured immediately, add 0.5 ml of 1M HCl to each liter of sample to 
make them slightly acidic (pH 6) and store in tightly capped vessels. Prior to measurement, add 
10M NaOH to make the samples slightly basic.