iskratel si2000 callisto821 router ユーザーズマニュアル

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SI2000 Callisto821+ Router Users Guide 
figure 76: The NAT Add Reserved Mapping page. 
3.  This page allows you to configure your reserved mapping. Add specific values for the following 
table entries: 
•  Global IP Address; if you are mapping from a global IP address, type the address here. If 
you are mapping from a security interface (e.g. Default ppp interface), type
•  Internal IP Address; the IP address of an individual host inside your network. 
•  Transport Type; specify the transport type that you want to map from the outside interface to 
the inside. 
•  Port Number; the port number that your transport uses externally and internally within your 
4.  Once you have configured the table, click on Add reserved mapping. The table is refreshed and 
the reserved mapping is added to your NAT configuration. 
To delete a reserved mapping setup, click on the Delete  hyperlink, then click on the Delete 
Reserved Mapping 
These actions have the same effect as typing the following CLI commands: 
nat add resvmap globalip 
nat add resvmap  interfacename 
nat list resvmaps 
nat delete resvmap 
Click on Return to Interface List to display the Security Interface Configuration page.  
8.3 Firewall 
You should be familiar with the next terms when using Firewall features: