Macromedia breeze presenter ユーザーズマニュアル

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Creating quizzes and questions
Play Audio Clip
  Select this option to import an audio file or record a new audio file that 
should play when the question is answered correctly. Use the Record, Stop, Remove, and 
Import buttons as necessary. (If you have already recorded audio, the record button will be a 
Play button. To re-record audio, you must first remove the audio, and then select Record.)
Note: If a question has an audio clip and an action, the audio clip plays and then the specified 
action takes place.
Show Correct Message
  Select this option to provide a text message for users when they 
supply a correct answer. Clear this check box if you don’t want to give any feedback for an 
correct answer.
In the If Wrong Answer area, set the following options:
Allow user [#] Attempts
  Use the arrows or type directly into the text box to specify the 
number of attempts a user can try before another action takes place. 
Infinite Attempts
  Select this option to give users an unlimited number of attempts. 
  Click the desired action/destination after the last attempt. You can choose from the 
options listed below. 
Go to Next Slide advances the presentation to the next slide and is the default action.
Go to Slide advances the presentation to a specific slide.
Open URL advances the presentation to a specific URL on the Internet. Enter the URL in 
the Open URL text box. From the pop-up menu, select the window in which the URL 
should appear; choose from Current or New. (Current replaces your presentation in the web 
browser with the URL address you specify. New opens the URL address in a new, separate 
Go to Next Slide
  Depending on the option you selected for Action, this text box lets you 
specify an exact destination. 
Play Audio Clip
  Select this option to import an audio file or record a new audio file that 
should play when the question is answered incorrectly. Use the Record, Stop, Remove, and 
Import buttons as necessary.
Show Error Message
  Select this option to provide a text message for users when they supply 
an incorrect answer. Clear this check box if you don’t want to give any feedback for an 
incorrect answer.
Show Retry Message
  Select this option to provide a text message for users when they 
supply an incorrect answer but there are remaining attempts available (e.g., Please try again).
Show Incomplete Message
  Select this option to provide a text message for users when they 
don’t supply an answer (e.g., “Please select an answer before continuing”).
Note: You can edit the default text in the correct, error, retry, and incomplete messages in the Quiz 
Manager. From the Breeze menu, select Quiz Manager and click the Default Labels tab.