Audiovox Voxx MTG13UHD オーナーマニュアル

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   General Vehicle Installation Approach
1.  Decide upon system configuration and configuration and peripheral options that will 
be installed (ie...External Video Gaming System).
2. Review all manuals to become familiar with electrical requirements and connections.
3. Decide upon mounting locations of all components and method of mounting.
4.  Prep the vehicle by removing any interior trim necessary to gain access to vehicle’s 
wiring as well as all areas where interconnecting wire harnesses will need to be located. 
If any access holes need to be cut into the vehicle (headliner, other trim components 
etc.), this should be done now as well.
5.  Route the wiring harnesses throughout the vehicle as necessary including the wiring 
for any additional peripheral devices being added to this system. ( as well as the wiring 
instructions for the individual components and accessory options being installed). Be 
sure that all wiring is protected from sharp edges and is routed in such a manner that 
wiring is not pinched when all components and interior trim are fully installed. Be sure 
to leave enough slack in the wiring at each component to allow working room.  Avoid 
routing wiring near or over airbag wiring or airbags.
6. Remove all A/V system components from their packaging and place them loosely in   
   the vehicle at their respective locations.
7.  Connect all components together (electrically) and verify proper operation of all 
system functions.    
    Note: Testing of the system is best performed BEFORE the Overhead Monitor is mounted  
 to the supplied bracket and any optional accessories are permanently mounted.
8. After verifying proper operation of the system proceed to mount  each component.
9.  When all components are mounted recheck the function of the entire system again to 
ensure that no wiring was pinched or connected improperly during final installation.