Graupner GmbH & Co. KG MC-20 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 324
Detail program description - Non-delayed channels
   Non-delayed channels
Channel-dependent delays to switching
Use the selection keys of the left or right touch pad to 
scroll to the »Phase trim« menu option in the multi-
function menu: 
Ser vo adjustment
Stick mode
Control adjust
Dual Rate / Expo
Channel 1 cur ve
Switch display
Control switch
Logical switch
Phase settings
Phase assignment
Phase trim
Non-delayed chan
Ser vo adjustment
Stick mode
Control adjust
Dual Rate / Expo
Channel 1 cur ve
Switch display
Control switch
Logical switch
Phase settings
Phase assignment
Non-delayed chan
Timers (general)
Open this menu option with a tap on the center 
key of the right touch pad.
N O N D E L A Y E D   C H A N N E L S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
On the »Phase settings« menu, you will have set the 
necessary switch times for fl ight phase transitions.
In this menu, you can now deactivate the transition 
delay set previously, per fl ight phase and for 
individual control channels – e.g. for the motor 
channel for electric models or heading-lock systems 
for helicopter gyros, etc.
Switch over to the corresponding fl ight phase. This is 
shown at the bottom left of the display.
Use the selection keys of the left or right touch pad 
to move the " " onto the corresponding channel then 
briefl y tap the center 
 key of the right touch pad.
The switch icon changes from "normal" to "non-delay" 
and vice versa.
N O N D E L A Y E D   C H A N N E L S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16