Navico Inc. HS35 ユーザーズマニュアル

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•  your current course (128°) and speed (5.0Kt)
•  your latitude (55°33.122N) and longitude (012°42.408E) and UTC time displayed in 24 
hour format (14:43 - 2:43pm)
•  the name of the destination waypoint (FISH), its bearing (275°), your distance in nautical 
miles, mile, or kilometres (depending on your choice of units) - in this case, 800nm, and 
the cross track error (XTE - 0.00) are shown.
All the symbols that may appear on the LCD are explained here:
Receiver busy with an incoming signal.
Scanning for the broadcasting channel. Press PTT to stop scanning. 
When the broadcasting channel is found, scanning stops at that 
Dual watch mode.
Tri watch mode.
DSC function is enabled.
ATIS is enabled for use in European inland waterways. Otherwise, 
AIS function is enabled.
Incoming DSC call, or blinks to notify you of any unread call log 
Channel name tag.
55 33.122N 
Your latitude.
012 42.408E 
Your longitude.
14:43 UTC 
Time (UTC).  Local time has suffix LOC (for example; 12:30pm LOC).
Channel selected. 
Local calling is selected. Otherwise, blank for distance calling.
Channel is temporarily deleted ‘skipped’ from the SCAN operation. 
Channel suffix, if applicable - A or B - otherwise blank. 
Shows which of the 3 favorite channels, if any, are selected. 
CH1CH2CH3 - otherwise blank. 
Transmission power. High (Hi) 25 W or Low (Lo) 1 W. 
Selected channel bank for VHF radio operations and regulations. 
INT=International; USA=USA; CAN=CANADA.
Weather channel.
Weather alert. US only.
Specific Area Message Encoding. US only.
1-2 Customizing your Simrad VHF radio
You can customize the radio to suit your individual preferences. Some preferences can be set 
directly through the keys as explained in this section.
Other preferences are set up through the built-in menus and these are explained in the other 
1-3 How to display and navigate menus 
Press MENU (or CALL) key. 
Some line items may show an 
▲ or ▼ indicator. This means there is more information 
available to show. Scroll (rotate the Rotary knob, or use + / - keys on the handset mic) to 
scroll up and down the menu until the cursor is positioned at the desired option. Press 
ENT (press the Push To Select) to display that option.
Make any entries or changes as explained in the following section.
Press ENT to confirm changes. Otherwise, press EXIT to keep the original entry.
Press EXIT to backup one screen (this key is equivalent to an ESC function on a PC).
1-4 How to enter alphanumeric data
If your radio does not have the optional alphanumeric microphone, you can rotate the rotary 
knob, or use +/- keys on the 
 mic to enter alphanumeric data.
•  Press - to count through numbers, or hold down to scroll rapidly to the desired number
•  Press + to step through the alphabet, or hold down to scroll rapidly to the desired character
•  If you make an error, press - until < is displayed, then press ENT to backup and correct 
the entry.
1-5 LCD symbols and meanings 
A typical operational display is shown here:
The bottom line is blank when a waypoint is not selected. This operational display shows:
•  the channel that you are receiving (16) and Tx power is set to high (Hi)
•  the International channel bank selected (INT) and DSC is enabled (DSC)
•  the channel name tag (DISTRESS)
Simrad - RS35 Operation Instructions
Simrad - RS35 Operation Instructions