BMI Technologies Inc. RFVI ユーザーズマニュアル

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G FORCE PLUS RF Instruction Manual 
Doc #RF1 Rev.9 
c.  Press {Enter} to accept the choice.  The Data Logger will display “Select Slot:” 
d.  Press {1} to select slot #1.  The Data Logger will display “Select Slot: 1 Free” 
e.  Press {Enter} to accept the choice.  The Data Logger will display “Select Slot: 1 Slot 1 Ready” 
f.  Present the Data Logger to the Software Interface. 
g.  Select the same Vehicle from the Vehicle tab of the Fleet Manager Software and click the [Veh 
Settings] button.  The status bar at the bottom left of the Software will provide progress 
information (“Programming vehicle parameters…” etc). 
h.  When it is complete, this window will appear.  If you wish to confirm the Settings were 
programmed, on the Data Logger press {Cancel}, then press {6}, {Enter}, {1}, {Enter} and 
present the Data Logger to the Software Interface, then click the [Yes] button.  To skip this step, 
click the [No] button. 
i.  If you chose to confirm the settings, this window will appear. Click the [OK] button to confirm 
j.  Remove the Data Logger from the Software Interface and press {Cancel}.  The Data Logger will 
display “Action?(1-9)” 
4.  Repeat steps 1 to 3 for up to 8 (eight) more Vehicles, working through memory slots 2 to 9 and 
recording the memory slot used for each Vehicle. 
5.  Place the Vehicle from memory slot #1 into Maintenance Lockout. 
6.  Program the Vehicle ID to the Vehicle Monitor. 
a.  Press {Enter} to start the Data Logger. 
b.  Press {5} when the Data Logger displays “Action?(1-9)”.  The Data Logger will display 
Action?(1-9) Prog Veh ID”  
c.  Press {Enter} to accept the choice.  The Data Logger will display “Select Slot:” 
d.  Press {1} to select slot #1.  The Data Logger will display “Select Slot: 1 Has Data”  
e.  Press {Enter} to accept the choice.  The Data Logger will display “Select Slot: 1 Ready” 
f.  Present the Data Logger to the Vehicle Interface. 
g.   Listen for a sequence of three quick beeps to indicate the interaction is complete. 
h.  Remove the Data Logger from the Vehicle Interface.  The Vehicle Interface will display 
i.  Press {Cancel} on the Data Logger.  The Data Logger will display “Action?(1-9)”.  
7.  Program the Vehicle settings to the Vehicle Monitor. 
a.  Press {Enter} to start the Data Logger.