i-MOBIL S.A. DE C.V. 06C-1 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 38
Entry method 
Where to use English entry method 
Your phone offers a number of different text entry methods for entering text information in: 
1)  Creation or editing of contact details in the phonebook 
2)  Name searching in the phonebook 
3)  Creating SMS messages 
4) Editing 
Text entry methods 
   Capital letter  
      T9    (capital letter) 
      T9(first letter capital) 
To change between text entry methods, press the #key.   
With the T9 method selected, you can toggle between T9 entry methods by pressing and holding the space key.   
When editing, a cursor ‘I’ will be shown in the text string to indicate the location new characters will be entered. 
To enter text in Multi-tap mode, the key with the appropriate group of letters must be pressed, if the first letter of the 
group is required, the key is pressed once. If the second letter is required it should be pressed twice. 
e.g    Input the word ‘Hello’ 
♦ Switch 
  capital letter, then press 4 twice to input ‘H’ 
♦ Switch 
  lowercase, then press 3 two times to input ‘e’, press 5 three times to input ‘l’, press 5 three times to 
input ‘l’, then press 6 three times to input ‘o’. 
T9 English entry method 
It’s easier to use T9 to input words. 
e.g. Input the word ‘Hello’ 
Ensure you are in T9 mode (cycle through the options by pressing #), then press and hold the space key to switch to 
 T9(first letter capital). 
Press 4,3,5,5,6. As you type the phone will be trying to work out the most likely word you are trying to spell. When you 
have completed the word, confirm the word the phone has correctly predicted the word you require by pressing the 
space key, this will enter the word displayed, enter a space and move on ready to enter the next word. 
If the word the phone has predicted is not the one you require, alternative words found by the same keypresses can be 
shown by pressing the 
Press 0 to enter a space. 
Punctuation and Special characters 
In edit mode, press 1 to input punctuation and special characters.   
Press 1 to select the alternative punctuation or special characters.