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TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7  
Command Set Notation 
The following pages give a complete list of the 
TAG-T3’s command 
set. Commands may be transmitted to the unit directly using the 
Remote Downloader or via the “Direct Connect” cable. All commands 
must be terminated with a carriage return / linefeed pair <CR><LF>. 
Commands are sent to and received from the 
TAG-T3 unit in a 
comma separated ASCII format. With respect to the command set, the 
following notation is used 
Command identifier 
[<Unit_Id >] 
Optional device serial number 
Indicates a parameter is required 
Optional parameter 
Choice of parameters i.e. ON|OFF 
Sending an appropriately filled out command message to the 
T3 can change the appropriate parameters for that command. It 
should be noted that not all values need to be supplied in order to 
change a single value of a multiple parameter command. All that is 
required is to ensure that there are the correct number of commas so 
that the value being set is in the right location. 
Any commands sent to the unit with “blank” values will result in that 
parameter being queried and the result returned as part of the reply. 
e.g. sending a  
or  $GO0,,CLK 
or   $GO0,Unit_Id,CLK  
to the 
TAG-T3 will return an acknowledgment containing the current 
parameters, for example $GOA,T3-001,CLK,0000,36000,60,180 
TAG-T3 will acknowledge all commands sent to it with either 
an acknowledgment, or an error message. Command 
ACKnowledgments and NACKnowledgments that are returned by a 
device, have the following notation 
Command ACKnowledgment identifier 
Command Not ACKnowledge identifier 
Unsolicited message identifier 
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