Interepoch Technology Inc. IWE1700-A ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 54 Upgrading Firmware by HTTP 
Fig. 23. Firmware upgrade by HTTP. 
To upgrade firmware of the AP by HTTP: 
1. Click 
Browse and then select a correct firmware .bin file. The firmware file path will be shown 
in the Firmware file name text box. 
2. Click 
Upgrade to begin the upgrade process. Backing up and Restoring Configuration Settings by HTTP 
Fig. 24. Firmware backup by HTTP. 
To back up configuration of the AP by HTTP: 
1. Click 
Back Up
You’ll be prompted to open or save the configuration file. Click Save
The configuration file is named by the AP’s MAC address. For example, if the AP’s MAC ad-
dress is 00-01-02-33-44-55, the configuration backup file should be “000102334455.hex”. Don’t 
change the configuration file name in the Save As dialog box. Select a folder in which the con-
figuration file is to be stored. And then, click Save
The procedure may be a little different with different Web browsers. 
Fig. 25. Configuration restore by HTTP. 
To restore configuration of the AP by HTTP: 
1. Click 
Browse and then select a correct configuration .hex file. You have to make sure the file 
name is the AP’s MAC address. The firmware file path will be shown in the Firmware file 
text box. 
2. Click 
Restore to upload the configuration file to the AP.