RadioFrame Networks Inc MCSERIESHP10 ユーザーズマニュアル

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MC-Series High-Power System 
RadioFrame Networks, Inc. 
3.1.10  Alarm Blocks 
Various alarms or sensors are installed within the Sprint Nextel site building. All alarm 
wiring terminates at the Environmental Alarm System (EAS) location within the cabinet. 
All alarm wires shall be tagged and labeled with the appropriate alarm item. All contacts 
will be normally closed, dry and isolated from ground. Alarm wire will be neatly run and 
secured using nylon cable ties/clamps every three feet to walls and existing cable tray. All 
alarm wiring shall be two-wire, 22 AWG. 
Environmental Alarm System (EAS) 
Plan to implement EAS alarm blocks, wiring and sensors as required depending on the 
•  If the MC-Series system cabinet is deployed as a standalone unit (i.e., as the only 
cabinet in the area), plan to provide standard Sprint Nextel facility environmental 
sensors, wiring and connections. Plan to install the EAS alarm blocks on the Telco 
board on the wall of the space where the MC-Series system cabinet is located, and 
locate the high-temperature and low-temperature sensors there. Plan to provide 
conduit or other wire routing from a door sensor, HVAC units (if separate HVAC 
units are installed for the installation), and AC power failure / surge arrestor failure 
•  If the MC-Series system cabinet is deployed as one of a group of cabinets (i.e., in 
an RF “hotel”), plan to provide standard Sprint Nextel facility environmental 
sensors, wiring and connections for one of the cabinets. The alarm facilities for the 
other cabinets will generally not be used. For the cabinets with unused alarms, plan 
to strap all alarm inputs with 24 AWG solid-conductor wire (e.g., wire from a 
Category-5 cable). Plan to extend the 25-pair alarm cables with pre-connectorized 
25-pair extension cables as needed to allow the alarm blocks to reach the wall 
space where they are to be mounted. Do not plan to leave the alarm blocks in the 
cabinets or otherwise not mounted.  
3.2  Scheduling / Logistics 
Procure all non-RFN hardware. Refer to Sprint Nextel documentation for procurement of 
iSC-3s, EAS and CSU. 
1  Procure the materials identified in section 3.1 required by Sprint Nextel technicians 
to complete the installation. 
2  Initiate the contracts necessary to engage outside contractors to complete the 
installation work necessary, including any design or engineering work necessary for 
seismic areas. Any installation requiring seismic certification requires a formal 
design and installation package from an architect skilled in this area. 
3  Follow standard Sprint Nextel RF Operations and Site Development procedures for 
scheduling (a) all installation activity and (b) all necessary datafill work. 
Planning should now be complete for the following tasks:  
•  Securing the MC-Series system cabinet to the mounting surface 
•  Installing AC or DC power cabling and DC powerplant 
• Installing grounding