BenQ Mobile GmbH & Co. OHG A56 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 97
Safety Information
A56 AE, A31008-H5320-A100-1-4A19 (16. October 2002, 16:25)
ens AG 2001
, I
be possible on all wireless phone 
networks or when certain network 
services or phone features are in use.  
Check with local service providers re-
garding their network features. 
Always make certain that your 
phone is properly charged before at-
tempting any emergency calls.  If 
you allow your battery to discharge, 
you will be unable to receive or make 
calls, including emergency calls. You 
must then wait a few minutes after 
the charging begins to place any 
emergency calls.
When making an emergency call, re-
member to give all of the necessary 
information as accurately as possi-
ble. Remember that your wireless 
phone might be the only means of 
communication at the scene of an 
accident, therefore you should not 
terminate the call until given permis-
sion to do so.