CipherLab Co. Ltd. 3666BASE ユーザーズマニュアル

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4.1.4  Capital Lock Status 
In order to send alphabets with correct case, the scanner needs to know the capital 
lock status of the keyboard. Incorrect settings may result in reversed case of 
alphabets being transmitted. There are 3 options to this parameter: OnOff, or Auto 
. If this parameter is set to Auto Detection, the scanner will automatically 
detect the capital lock status of the keyboard before it transmits data. 
4.1.5  Alphabets Transmission 
User can choose how alphabets are sent by this parameter configuration. The 
alphabets can be sent according to their case (the Case Sensitive  option), or the 
case is ignored (the Ignore Case option) when transmitting. 
4.1.6  Digits Transmission 
User can choose how the scanner transmits digits by configuring this parameter. 
The scanner can transmit digits by using the alphanumeric key or by using the 
numeric keypad. The Num Lock status of the keyboard should be ON if numeric 
keypad option is selected.  
4.1.7  Inter-Character Delay 
An inter-character delay of 0 to 255 ms can be configured to match the computer 
response time of the keyboard interface. The delay time configured is inserted 
between transmitting every character. The longer the delay time configured, the 
slower the transmission speed will be. The inter-character delay is zero by default. 
         1            2            3           4  
         !            @           #           $  
Digits on Upper Row 
Numeric Key Pad 
Alpha Numeric Key 
4.2  RS232 Interface 
User can select the desired, flow control, baud rate, parity, and data bits to be used 
in this output interface. 
4.2.1  Baud Rate / Parity / Data Bits 
The supported baud rate, parity, and data bit are listed below. 
• Baud Rate: 115200 / 38400 / 19200 / 9600 / 4800 / 2400 / 1200 / 600 
• Parity: None / Even / Odd 
• Data bit: 8 / 7 
4.2.2  Flow Control 
The user can further configure the flow (handshake) control method to be used. 
The available options are listed below. 
• No Flow Control 
• Scanner Ready: The scanner will activate the RTS signal after power on. 
After each good read the scanner waits for an active CTS signal. The data 
will not be sent until CTS signal becomes active. 
• Data Ready: The RTS signal will be activated after each good read. The 
scanner will then wait for the CTS signal becomes active. The data will not 
be sent until CTS signal becomes active. 
• Inverted Data Ready: It is like the Data Ready flow control, but the RTS 
signal level is inverted. 
4.2.3  Inter-Character Delay 
An inter-character delay of 0 to 255 ms can be configured to match the computer 
response time. The delay time configured is inserted between transmitting every 
character. The longer the delay time configured, the slower the transmission speed 
will be. The inter-character delay is zero by default. 
4.3  USB Interface 
A USB interface is also available. For installation instructions please refer to the 
separate diskette included with your scanner. 
4.4  Memory Parameters 
The 1166/1266 reserves 4 KB flash memory as transmit buffer when the scanner is 
out of service range. Data will be saved into the reserved buffer when the scanner