Fiber-Span LLC FS42R-1719-E ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 25
Rev A 
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Appendix A : Installation Instructions
Preparing for Installation
Before attempting to install, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself by reading through the installation instructions. 
Understanding the system operation will reduce the possibility of incorrect installation, thereby causing damage or injury to 
yourself or others. 
The system must be installed in accordance with the conditions and recommendations contained 
in the following sections. 
Safety Precautions 
Carelessness or mishandling of the DAS may damage the equipment causing serious injury to yourself or others.  All installation 
activity must be carried out in compliance with the safety instructions supplied with the BTS and with local standard authority 
warnings and precautions. 
Please adhere to the following: 
This equipment is designed for use with high power radio frequency (RF) radiating 
systems. Personnel must take precautions to minimize exposure to the RF  fields. 
The equipment is designed for use with equipment that generates high voltages. 
Proper precautions must be taken when working with this equipment. 
To prevent damage to static sensitive devices, ESD (electrostatic discharge) 
precautions must be observed when handling or installing the equipment. 
Do not tamper with, or attempt to reconfigure, the cords or plugs supplied with 
the hardware, as this can: 
♦  result in personal injury 
♦  void the warranty 
♦  cause damage to the units or related equipment