Alvarion Technologies Ltd. BMAX-BA36 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration
Install SUs). In the current release only Advanced Si Operation Mode is 
For more details on SW File/Version and Operation refer to 
Upgrading AU’s SW
To facilitate efficient upgrade of AU’s SW, two upgrade levels are available:
AU level, for upgrading a single AU, described in 
Base Station level, for upgrading all AUs in the Base Station, as described in 
the following section.
SW Files in NPU
Up to four AU SW files can be stored in the NPU. Any of the available files can be 
loaded by the NPU to a selected AU. When four AU files are stored in the NPU, a 
new file cannot be added until at least one of the existing files is deleted.
A default SW File Name and Default Action can be defined. These are the SW File 
and associated Action that will be used for a new AU after being installed, as well 
as after each reset. This feature simplifies the upgrade process, by defining the 
SW File and Action for all AUs. Two different pairs of Default SW File Name and 
Default Action may be defined, to optionally support AUs using either Standard 
Operation Mode or Advanced Si (Advanced - Self Install) Operation Mode. These 
Default SW File Name and Default Action are applicable to all AUs in the Base 
Station using the specified Operation Mode. However, they are not applicable for 
any AU whose Configured SW File Name (see 
This menu enables viewing the current AU SW files stored in the NPU and deleting 
selected file(s). It also enables defining the Default SW File Name and Default 
Action for each Operation Mode, and deleting the Configured SW Files in all AUs.
Show Files
Select this option to display the AU SW files currently stored in the NPU, the 
Default SW Files and Default Actions. For each available SW file, the file name 
and the version are shown.
Default SW File (Standard)
Select this option to define the Name of the SW File to be used for upgrading an 
AU using Standard Operation Mode after installation as well as after each reset,